is a music blog focusing on the genres of hip hop and electro.Within these genres, posts revolve around music news, music videos, artists, and remixes. Music posted on Lady Toker sounds like the lovechild of hip hop, indie and electro.
has some special features:
Artist of the Week: at the end of every week, I post about an up-and-coming artist that I am really excited about. The artist is normally one that does not have a full-length album out yet and is usually unsigned or recently signed to a label.
Monthly Mix: at the end of each month, I post a list of 5-10 songs that I have been jamming out to all month. Normally the songs were not released that month, they are just new to me (and probably you, too). These are my gems, the songs that I fell in love with instantly.
is the brain child of Lady Toker, a sophomore at the University of Southern California studying Music Industry. She greatly enjoys music videos, marijuana, red wine, the UK show Skins, and was recently introduced to dubstep and is now obsessed.
I am always looking for new ideas and music for Lady Toker. If you have any suggestions, please contact me!
view profile HERE.